Healing Bodywork

  1. What is It ?

Movement Medicine for Embodiment & Healing.

Harmonic Resonance Bodywork is a gentle healing modality that uses harmonic rocking of the body in tune with the body’s own resonant or natural frequencies. It triggers a deep, sometimes ecstatic relaxation  state that speeds healing. Many say it goes deeper than most massage. It’s received dressed in yoga clothes.

The bodywork offers loving touch that is especially effective for recovering from abuse trauma where loving touch can heal the injury caused by unloving touch. 

Based on the work of Dr. Milton Trager MD combined with Sufi healing and Chakra energy balancing. 

It’s effects go deep emotionally while the client remains fully clothed.

Harmonic Resonance is very effective for speeding recovery from physical trauma and injury. It often restores balanced walking after surgery. Back injury pain can often be alleviated. 

Self help exercises are offered to clients to help with both emotional and physical recovery.

Harmonic Resonance healing is “movement medicine”, a heart centered, pain free therapy.  It is a blend of the gentle rocking movement therapy of Dr. Milton Trager, Massage, Sufi Healing methods and Chakra balancing.

It’s a wholistic bodywork, invented in Victoria since 2000. You are fully clothed in flexible clothing such as yoga clothes or soft pants and top. An optional massage blended version is available too.

Sample Sessions Prices available to new clients:

Free introductory initial (yoga clothed) 15 minute sessions are offered.

Introductory sample full yoga or flexible clothed sessions are $50.

Introductory sample massage blended sessions are $70.

Standard Session Prices

Full one hour bodywork session received wearing yoga clothes  $50-$100 Sliding Scale. (Please be sure to wear flexible clothes and not bluejeans.)

Massage Blended Harmonic Resonance sessions are available on request.  Hot organic coconut oil is used. The price is $75-120 sliding scale for a 75 minute session.

4 Handed Harmonic Resonance Massage Blended Options

We also offer 4 handed Harmonic Resonance Massage Blended sessions. I am teamed up with several other colleagues. Call for prices to arrange 4 handed sessions 

Fairy Creek Blockade Support

One Free Session and Half Price discount for healing offered to Fairy Creek Blockade Arrestees in honor of their work to protect our ancient forests!

Google Reviews


Harmonic Resonance Classes

To read about the upcoming class at Pacific Rim College in Victoria B.C. Canada, Click on the link below …

Harmonic Resonance Class April 22-23 2023

The class went very well and we expect to have another class in the fall of 2023! Contact me if you are interested at bodyworksvictoria@gmail.com

Please put “Upcoming Classes” in the subject area

*****  ***** *****

Ian Faulkner Soutar, Creator of Harmonic Resonance Bodywork.
Studio Art
School and Studio

Sample Sessions Prices available to new clients:

Free introductory initial (yoga clothed) 15 minute sessions are offered.

Introductory sample full yoga or flexible clothed sessions are $50.

Introductory sample massage blended sessions are $70.

Standard Session Prices

Full one hour bodywork session received wearing yoga clothes  $50-$100 Sliding Scale. (Please be sure to wear flexible clothes and not bluejeans.)

Massage Blended Harmonic Resonance sessions are available on request.  Hot organic coconut oil is used. The price is $75-120 sliding scale for a 75 minute session.

4 Handed Harmonic Resonance Massage Blended Options

We also offer 4 handed Harmonic Resonance Massage Blended sessions. I am teamed up with several other colleagues. Call for prices to arrange 4 handed sessions  …

Ian Soutar & Penelope Hagan: 4 Handed massage blended sessions.
Michael, another partner for 4 handed massage blended sessions.
Harmony, another partner for 4 handed massage blended sessions.

Contact Info

Studio/School Address:  1226.Wychbury Avenue, Esquimalt, BC, V9A5L3.

Phone 250-882-5896

Victoria BC Client Reviews

Jennifer Hodi-Cannon

What a gift this last session was with Ian of Harmonic Resonance Bodywork. I came to the session feeling stressed and lacking power and vitality and by the end of the session I felt alive again. I left empowered and knowing that I could handle the challenges I was facing in life.

Ian has such a gentle presence that my body calms when I am near him. The movement of his bodywork, enabled my body to reset itself with ease. With Ian’s help, I was able to release energy that I was in my heart field and unplug my sacral chakra.

This session was the reset that I needed for my mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.

Thank you Ian!

***** ***** *****

Laura Kaye Moore

Ian’s technique of combining Trager work ‘rocking’ with massage has been deeply relaxing, and induces a rejuvenating euphoria that leaves me feeling centered and in touch with my authentic self. Thanks Ian, for your loving care and respectful attention!

***** ***** *****


I see Ian regularly for Harmonic Resonance Bodywork sessions. They are soothing, relaxing, aligning & Rejuvenating. I like being fully clothed while receiving the treatment & the heated table is nice!

Ian’s work is always respectful, gentle and satisfying. I will always go back!

***** ***** *****

Harmonic Resonance Bodywork Classes were first offered in 2020. New classes will be offered in 2022. See below for details.

Classes in Harmonic Resonance 

For further information please email bodyworksvictoria@gmail.com

Harmonic Resonance Classes

Classes happen several times a year.

The classes covered the basic Harmonic Resonance Bodywork techniques and an extra class helps integrate the work with massage.

The textbooks are open source and free on this site. You cannot learn the technique just from the textbooks but they help people who are learning by showing exact hand positions.

Cost for the last class is shown below. You need to take the first two days before the third day.

First 2 days of class: $400

Third day class: $100

To learn about future classes email Ian Soutar at … bodyworksvictoria@gmail.com

Harmonic Resonance Organization

The Harmonic Resonance Bodywork Organization™ is in charge of Education, Certification and Standards. This organization is an unregistered Non Profit Organization which does not handle money.

It is an organization based on Love and Unity rather than a heirarchical business model. All members have equal status and are responsible through democratic processes for defining Education, Certification and Standards. The certification process is discussed in the certification section of the website. Operation is based on the “Organizational Philosophy” which is in the menu of this website. The philosophy is based on the book “The Healing Organization”. 

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This website is intended also to be an example describing the best techniques to teach and transmit bodywork skills accurately and at a low cost to students.  This is key to allowing healing techniques to spread organically through open source principles.

Copyright 2020 Ian Faulkner Soutar (Unless stated otherwise within a document.)

October 7, 2020 version

Session Prices

Free introductory initial (yoga clothed) sessions are available to new clients.

Introductory massage blended sessions are $30.

Full one hour introductory bodywork session received wearing yoga clothes for $65. Normally $75-$100 Sliding Scale. (Please be sure to wear flexible clothes and not bluejeans.)

Massage Blended Harmonic Resonance sessions are available on request.  Hot organic coconut oil is used. The price is $90-120 sliding scale for a 75 minute session