Free Manuals

The manuals are available as a free download PDF format which will print perfectly.

We do not recommend trying to learn Harmonic ResonanceĀ  Bodywork from the manual, pictures or video alone. It’s a Kinaesthetic Skill that can only be understood through Touch Instruction. Classes are very inexpensive and you can find out when they happen by emailing …

Please print all the manuals and documentation before you register for a class.

(For economy printĀ  2020 v3 Guide below in black and white.)

2020 v3 Guide- Harmonic Resonance Feb 2020

(Print the picture guide below in colour)

V4-Harmonic Resonance Picture Guide

(Print 30 copies of the Client Intake form below in black/white)

Client Intake- Harmonic Resonance Bodywork

(Print 30 copies of the Harmonic Resonance feedback form below in black/white)

Harmonic Resonance Feedback Guide

(Print the Sufi Healing and Chakras guide below in colour)

v2 Sufi Healing and Chakras

Mentastics Jack Blackburn-3

(Print the Medicine Buddha document below in colour)

Medicine Buddha prayer with Sufi sweeping ritual.

Menla medicine-buddha picture Hi Resolution